Healthy High Streets Consultation

This report, done in partnership with Public Health Merton shares the views of the kind of high street/town centre residents of Mitcham would like to see.


As part of an ongoing consultation to help shape the Councils licensing policy statement in a part of east Merton, Healthwatch Merton worked in partnership with Public Health Merton to support this work.

The licensing policy sets out how the Council plans to use its powers to shape provision of alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment in Merton.

Healthwatch Merton gathered people’s views of the kind of high street/town centre they would like to have in their community as well as finding out if people feel there are too many betting shops, places to buy alcohol and fast food outlets in the Mitcham area.

Key Findings 

  1. A total of 192 people participated and shared their views on Mitcham Town Centre and local area
  2. Out of the 192 people that engaged with Healthwatch Merton, 191 provided details of why they visit Mitcham Town Centre, and the area indicated on the map
  3. 22 said that they visited as it ‘has everything that I need’, 128 said that ‘it is local and close to home’ and 41 said ‘it is local and close to where I work’.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 020 8685 2282. 

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